Random Topic Generator

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Are you planning to write an essay and looking for a unique research topic? Then a random essay topic generator for writing would be a great help. It can save you hours when having the freedom to choose your topic can be overwhelming.

That’s how it works: When you try to come up with a random essay topic, put a keyword into the search bar. The topic randomizer will automatically generate content ideas for you. This type of tool will be most helpful for two kinds of academic writing: essays and research papers.

❓ Essay Topics vs Research Paper Topics

You might be asking yourself: what’s the main difference between a research paper and an essay? The difference starts with the way you choose your topic.

  1. A research paper is much longer. Therefore, the title for your paper should be more complicated.
  2. An essay doesn’t usually require a piece of extensive knowledge. A research paper requires a comprehensive understanding of a topic.
  3. The purpose of the research paper is to build a writer’s knowledge of an idea. An essay’s goal is different. It helps to create a writer’s writing skills.
Choose a research paper or essay topic according to the purpose.

If you’re planning to write either of the paper, the random subject generator is an excellent asset for you.

📙 Essential Writing Guide

This small writing guide contains the most relevant and crucial tips for your academic paper. Completing your essay or research will be effortless with our instructions. Let’s go!

🗣️ Step 1: Determine Your Goal and Audience

To determine your goal and audience, you need to answer several questions, such as:

  1. Why am I writing?
  2. What do I want to achieve?
  3. Who will be reading my paper?

A lot of students try to skip this step, which causes them a lot of trouble later on. Without determining your purpose and readers, you will end up without a solid plan. Plus, your writing style will suffer from uncertainty. So, spend some time and define what exactly do you want to achieve with your paper.

The topic can be familiar for your audience.

You can also search for some good essay examples. Seeing what others wrote can help you. However, do not copy it. Do your best to think differently.

We recommend reading the assignment carefully if you have one. In case you have questions, don’t be afraid to clarify with your tutor. Start with these steps, and it will be much easier to create a good piece of writing.

💡 Step 2: Decide on a Topic

When it is time to decide on a topic, we have several suggestions for you as well:

  • You can use a random topic generator. It will give you a new and unique title. You may become the only student in your class who will have this specific research or essay topic.
  • Even if you decide to use a generator, you still specify your title. Make sure you have a brainstorming session to generate your ideas. Take the topic suggested by a generator and narrow it down or tweak it a bit as well. The best thing you can do is to give yourself enough time and space to think.
  • Another thing you can do to come up with a good topic is to find a list of ideas online. Look at the variety of titles, examine them, and most probably, one or two will interest you.
  • Last but not least, you can try to come up with a good topic yourself. It is easier than it seems. Try to write down everything you know about the subject matter. Exclude the tedious aspects and concentrate on something you find intriguing. Create an idea by combining all the engaging parts that you remember.
Pay close attention to the argumentation of an original topic.

💻 Step 3: Research

This step may be one of the most critical when it comes to writing. It doesn’t matter if it’s a short response paper, an essay, or a long research paper. You need to make sure you have your facts in the right place. Even a narrative essay title may require some research.

There are situations in which you consider yourself an expert in the field. You may think you know the material well enough to skip this step. It’s totally up to you. However, it is a good idea to spend some time refreshing your memory anyway. You can be surprised how tricky our minds can be.

Few things to focus on:

  • Do your research. Attempt to answer the question, using resources other than your brain. Go to the local library or search with the help of the Internet. You can try to find an answer in books, academic papers, newspaper articles, even in documentaries. All of these materials are called “the sources.”
  • List the sources. When you have picked a good topic and conducted a quick search for “the sources,” it is time to look for “the key sources.” That is to say, identify early on a few the most useful ones. Otherwise, you may end up reading books and articles without producing anything of your own.
  • Make notes. To decide on “the key sources,” you have to skim a good number of articles. So, don’t forget to take notes. Most of the time, you don’t have to read an entire article or a book. Search for information that is relevant to your research question. Write down such data and the source where you found it. This way, you won’t lose or forget anything useful.
You can alter the research question.

📃 Step 4: Organize your paper

Before writing your academic paper, organize it first. It will systematize your ideas and prepare you for research or essay writing.

A good organization can help you to decide on the paragraph structure and place the information in the right places. Besides, you’ll define the thesis statement beforehand and make sure all your arguments link to it.

It can be a short outline or a longer one. Try to see what works best for you. Here are some tips:

  • Start with an attention grabber
  • Compose an introduction with a thesis statement in it
  • List your arguments in a logical order in the body paragraphs
  • Add topic sentences and transitions
  • Write the conclusion
Your thesis statement should show what the paper is about and keep your argument focused.

📊 Step 5: Justify your thesis

Any academic writing should be supported by evidence, facts, data where it’s applicable. Providing good examples can prove to be critical in research papers.

There are several methods to incorporate other’s works into their paper:

  • Paraphrasing. It is essentially using your own words to express someone else’s ideas. First, you need to identify a relevant point, then write it in your own words. Do not forget to give credit to the original author.
  • Summarizing. To summarize a piece of evidence, you have to identify what part of the argument applies to your topic. Then, write a shorter version of it in your own words. It will show your understanding and knowledge of the subject. Once again, do not forget to include references to the original author.
  • Synthesizing. This method is slightly different. It incorporates summarizing and combining different ideas to form your argument. Avoid talking about the ideas separately. Instead, try to identify the overall points. Reference the original authors used.
  • Quoting. Using this method, you can provide evidence by quoting from the original word to word. For this, you’re required to include quotation marks. However, you can’t use too many quotes. Plus, every time you incorporate a quote, its significance should be explained. In-text citations and references should be included, as well.
If you obtained the information from a source, you must document the source.

✍️ Step 6: Write and Revise

With your outline, notes, arguments, and sources, it should not be very overwhelming to start writing. By this time, you should’ve acquired enough knowledge and evidence to finish your first draft.

Read the draft several times to identify what needs changes. Examine each paragraph one after another to see if it communicates the ideas you were trying to say. If something does not look right, do not be afraid to rearrange the sentences, words, ideas.

You should ensure that every argument is connected to the thesis statement. This is the perfect moment to remove anything irrelevant or redundant.

Read the paper out loud and see if it reads and sounds smooth.

Texts that lack transitional devices are difficult to read.

👍 Step 7: Edit and Proofread

Often students rush to finish the assignment and skip this important step. Even if it feels like you know the essay by heart, do not neglect editing and proofreading. There are a few things you can do to make sure your writing is polished.

  • Make sure all the sentences are complete.
  • Check your spelling, punctuation, grammar.
  • Change the words that sound too ambiguous.
  • Make sure to check if everything is fine with the formatting style.
The best way to see your paper fresh is to walk away from it for a few days.

👏 Random things to talk about

A random question generator can help to be creative. When writing an article or an essay, you can struggle with composing something original or unusual. The generator can provide you with fresh content ideas, so you’ll be able to engage in “creative writing.” You can talk about the following random essay questions:

  • The American contribution to Romanticism. First, ask yourself a question about what Romanticism is. What is American Romanticism in particular? Then try to find out the characteristics of American Romanticism. From there, you can discuss the contributions.

  • Personal view: the best American writer. This topic is simply exceptional. There is no right or wrong when it comes to personal view essays. Take your time and think about the best American writer for you! Is it Mark Twain? Or William Faulkner? Maybe it’s Toni Morrison. Gladly, there are tons of options.

  • The origin of sports. This topic requires a bit of additional research but do not get discouraged. It is indeed a fun topic to write about. Aside from writing about sports in general, you can narrow it down to your favorite games. You can write about “the origin of American football,” or about “the origin of baseball.” It is totally up to you!

  • Cars in the 1950s and cars today. Cars nowadays seem like such an ordinary thing. Was it always like that? Talk about how cars have changed during these 70 years.

  • Climate Change in the USA. This essay also requires some specific knowledge. First, answer what climate change is. What causes it. You can tweak the topic and write about “the effects of climate change in the USA.”

U.S. average temperature has increased significantly.

➡️ FAQ

➡️ How to come up with random questions to ask for research?

To come up with random research questions, use a question generator. It will give you fresh and original ideas for your research paper. It will also save you a lot of time.

➡️ What are some good random conversation starters?

When people hear the personal question that directly addresses them, they tend to pay more attention. You can start by saying, “If you would be able to eliminate one thing in the world, what would it be?” or “have you ever asked yourself why there is such much suffering in the world?”.

➡️ Where can I find funny random questions for an essay?

There are multiple ways you can do that. You can use a random topic generator and see if anything sounds funny. You can also use essay lists that compile funny essay questions.

➡️ What is a good title for an essay?

It should have a catchy hook that produces that “wow effect.” It is the first thing the readers will see. If you want your essay to turn well, spend time searching for a good title.

➡️ What are the topics to write about for a research paper?

The best thing to do is to write about something that interests you personally. Don’t go for the easiest one. Look for something unique and original to write about. Take an issue that is important for a lot of people.

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