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Adaptive Technology for Students with Behavioral Disorder


This paper will focus on the significance of using Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program in helping learners with behavioral disorder. Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along is an example of Adaptive Technology that will increase the social skills for students with behavioral disorder. They equip highly qualified teachers with necessary teaching-learning methodologies. These relevant teaching approaches give an ample chance to teachers to impart knowledge to learners who have behavioral disorders with the least of trouble. Millions of learners across the globe cannot gain a lot of knowledge in an educational program that does not incorporate computer-based advanced technological approach like Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program. When traditional approach is only used to teach disabled learners together with normal ones in a classroom setting, there will be challenges that will face both the teacher and learner. Disability in learners like poor social skill of interaction really impairs with their capability to participate satisfactorily in class without the help of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program for learners to improve their social skills. In addition, advanced technology will ease the progress of allowing the learner with behavioral disorders to encounter variety of activities and participate fully with others fully. (Castellani, 2001)

This paper will then expound on the usage of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program by high skilled teachers with a variety of learners with behavioral disorder. This will help them positively and promote their social skills that will help them interact well with their immediate community. For example, Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program can help about two million learners with behavioral disorders to be integrated with other learners who do not have any emotional and behavioral disorders. Advanced technology has given room for improvement of refined devices and gadgets that can help the number of students named above to overcome challenges that can hinder their complete participation in class (Lee, 1999). The learners meant to benefit in this reseach that I am going to carry are the ones with social interaction disorder. Thus, Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program has the prospective to really help learners with disorders. The inadequacy of funds must be dealt with before the highly skilled teachers realize their dream of helping learners with behavioral disorders. This will give morale and provide the needed resources to the highly skilled teachers to work effectively to accomplish this task (Englert, 2004)

Background and scope

I will conduct my research in a school which is within my University. The school is well equipped with several computers and gadgets necessary for the this research. However, some devices like compact discs and DVDs will need to be purchased for the learners and teachers. I will require technicians who will be installing programs and checking the devices as the research continues. I will use 22 learners with social disorders and 18 normal learners, in third grade. This will also include three teachers. The learners and teachers are both male. The teachers and learners will be assigned a separate classroom for the study. The duration for this research will be three months. I will be attending classes and observe how they respond to program. My most important reason will be to see the effectiveness of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program. I will engage the teachers and learners in interview sessions informally that will give feedback as the research continues.


The crucial reason for this paper is to show the effectiveness of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders. The program Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program may be online. The main stress is on the positive response of learners meant to facilitate them have excellent performance in academics and increase their social interaction with the community. In particular, the paper aims to:

  • Create an ample avenue for skilled teachers to use Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders
  • Provide an opportunity for the students with social disorders to become aware of social skills
  • Obtain Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders
  • Ensure Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders works well with other rehabilitation programs
  • Guarantee the effectiveness of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders
  • Act as a catalyst to foster further research, and encourage teachers to use advanced technology to teach learners with behavioral disorders.

The above named objectives will focus this project on the use of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with learners having behavioral disorders will help about two million learners with behavioral disorders. This will assist in the integration of disabled learners with other learners who do not have any emotional and behavioral disorders. It will help advanced technology focus also on improvement of refined devices and gadgets that can help the number of students named above to overcome challenges that hinder their complete participation in class.


Research questions

The goal of the study is answer these questions:

Key question

Is Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program effective to increase the social skills of learners with behavioral disorders?

Background and participants

The study will be in a school near my University. To ease sampling, the study will be carried on 22 learners with behavioral disorders and 18 normal learners, third graders in the same school, of which, all the participants are male.

Sampling method

The research instruments and procedures for collecting data are questionnaires, observations and interviews for learners. Interview would applicable for teachers because of their small number. Reliable software would used to analyse closed questionnaires and the open questionnaires together with the interviews which will be sampled in a qualitative manner in respect to budding issues. Teachers will be analysed using semi-structured interviews because they are only three.

  • Questionnaires: Closed questionnaires will used to allow learners responses to be compared. The items in the questions will be written in English to allow accuracy checking
  • Interviews: The questionnaires that will contain responses that require clarifications will be posed to both learners and teachers to clarify the responses. Short written notes will be taken on the normal learners on how the disable are fairing on.
  • Observation: The short written notes on each interviewee will facilitate organization of observations, emerging issues, significant themes, and focus on the effectiveness of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program
  • Data analysis: Quantitative and qualitative analysis will be the main approach. Using specialized software to analyze closed questionnaires, central tendency will be measured to find frequencies of effectiveness of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program


Using Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program with students who have behavioral disorders will directly have an impact on people and families who have this challenge, thus making an excellent difference in their lives for decades to come. Teachers and parents, who will be involved, will broaden expertise, bring creative ideas and encourage the use of advanced technology (McArthur, 1996). The skilled teachers will automatically have an influence on curriculum developers and allow research and needed revision education.

Links to professional goals

The education field offers many chances for job vacancies. Securing a job that may make enough interaction with learners with behavioral disorders and have enough impact on teachers by using the advanced technology of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program is a professional goal that will help to attain the objectives.

Required Resources

In order to complete this, qualified personnel will be highly essential in determining the correct procedures in approaching the research. Travel expenses may amount to US $ 150. The equipment needed to start Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program will be essential i.e. 22 computers, antiglare facilities, program devices like CDs and DVDs, and electrical appliances. Facilities like spacious classes, offices, demonstration sites and fields will be essential. Other expenses may be donated from partners like parents, NGOs, donor groups to meet the expenses of all partners who will be involved in the project.

Long term funding goals

Working closely with the partners and financial equity members, the funding will see to it that project attain set objectives, gather enough experience on handling learners with behavioral disorders, and further act as a catalyst for further research (Beck, 2002). The funding will help the advance of technology which will help about two million learners with behavioral disorders to be integrated with other learners who do not have any emotional and behavioral disorders. Eventually this project will give room for improvement of refined devices and gadgets that can help the number of students named above to overcome challenges that hinder their complete participation socially with the community.


In the long run, the project needs to address emerging issues that will be evident. When the project is approved, the success of the project will be evaluated in accordance to realization of the set objectives. Will there be effective positive influence on learners? Will Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program assist learners be socialist with their community and schools? If the following relevant questions will be realized positively, then the research will have an impact in the teaching profession and lives of individuals with behavioral disorder.


The use of Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program will not only help the unskilled teachers to sharpen their expertise but will also pose a challenge to skilled teachers to perfectly impart knowledge. This will eventually improve academic performance, ease life, and allow the learners with behavioral disorder to connect with the immediate surrounding. In short this project will see to it that, Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program will help about two million learners with behavioral disorders thus integrating them with other learners who do not have any emotional and behavioral disorders. Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along program will give room for improvement of refined devices and gadgets that can help the number of students named above to overcome challenges that hinder their complete participation in class and being socialist with their community and schools?


Beck, J. (2002). Emerging Literacy through Assistive Technology. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(2), 44-48.

Castellani, J., & Jeffs, T. (2001). Emerging reading and writing strategies using technology. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33(5).

Englert, C.S., Manalo, M., & Zhao, Y. (2004). I can do it better on the computer: The effects of technology-enabled scaffolding on young writers’ composition. Journal of Special Education Technology, 19(1).

Lee, C. (1999). Learning disabilities and assistive technologies; An emerging way to touch the future, Amherst, MA: McGowan Publications.

MacArthur, C.A. (1996). Using technology to enhance the writing processes of students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(4), 344-354.

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StudyKraken. (2022, January 1). Adaptive Technology for Students with Behavioral Disorder.

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"Adaptive Technology for Students with Behavioral Disorder." StudyKraken, 1 Jan. 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Adaptive Technology for Students with Behavioral Disorder." January 1, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Adaptive Technology for Students with Behavioral Disorder." January 1, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Adaptive Technology for Students with Behavioral Disorder." January 1, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Adaptive Technology for Students with Behavioral Disorder'. 1 January.

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