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Human Resource Managers Challenges and Opportunities


Increased global mobility, looming skill shortages and a highly diversified workforce are just but a few indications that the modern-day human resource department is very volatile. However, human resource managers can still transform these challenges into competitive advantages (Tyagi & Tyagi 2012). The essay shall attempt to examine the key opportunities and challenges facing new HR managers in the human resource department.

Challenges and opportunities facing HR managers

Although there are many opportunities and challenges facing new HR managers, the main ones include:

Talent Management

Due to the competitive nature of the business world, many organizations have been forced to improve their strategies in the search for top talent. Although the level of unemployment is still high, HR managers have to deal with talent shortage. The poor state of the economy also makes it hard for HR managers to attract top talent as most organizations can no longer guarantee competitive pay (Srivastava & Agarwal 2012). This is especially the case with technical positions in the organization. In case the newly recruited employees feel the organization is not meeting their salary demands, they are likely to leave for greener pastures. One way of overcoming this challenge is to provide further training to the existing staff, concentrate on retention, liaise with campuses, and broaden the search for talent.

HR managers also have to deal with issues of internal mobility and career development at the workplace. Indeed, this metric appears to be a key indicator of the efficiency in talent management by many organizations. HR managers can develop informal and formal programs as a way of dealing with the issue of internal mobility. Another strategy is to develop a separate mobility program for newly recruited employees and the existing employees. Such a program should encompass all the functions of the organization.

Managing diversity

Since more organizations are now competing globally, it is becoming increasingly essential that they recruit diverse talents with a view to understanding the different niches of each market (Simmons-Welburn & McNeil 2004). This is a great chance for the HR manager to integrate his/her workforce by including employees with diverse experiences and cultures. Such an approach can help the HR manager to respond creatively to challenges facing the organization. Multinational companies (MNCs) are the most affected as they have to operate and recruit employees from diverse cultural and ethical backgrounds. Therefore, the HR manager needs to undertake cultural-based HRM training as a strategy to enhance their capability to motivate talented employees from diverse cultural settings.

It is important that the HR manager is aware of the various expectations so that he/she can recruit and retain the best talent only (Sims 2006). The author further notes that diversity plays a key role in driving the innovative spirit of an organization, but cautions that the HR manager has to demonstrate agility in order to achieve this goal. Accordingly, the HR manager should be fully aware of the diverse needs of employees. In addition, the HR manager needs to develop a value proposition for the organization as the first step towards establishing a harmonious workplace.

Dealing with the social media

Many organizations have turned to the social media as a platform for recruiting new employees. Consequently, the social media has enabled HR managers to embrace the use of social sites like facebook, twitter, and Linked as a platforms for recruiting new talent.

One of the challenges that the HR manager has to deal with in using the social media as a platform for recruitment is the issue of image. Given the fast rate at which information travels on social media, open and frequent interaction enables candidates to form their own opinion of the organization’s brand and values (Simons 2011). A new HR manager may find it hard to fully integrate social media as a platform for recruiting new employees because he/she is not fully aware of the company’s brand promise, and whether it fulfill that promise during recruitment.

Forging strategic partnerships

For most organizations, HR departments play a crucial role in helping fulfill business objectives (Golan 2005). Some of the strategies used by the HR department include managing change and mobilizing talent. Such efforts are geared towards increasing the competitiveness of the organization. This represents career prospects and opportunities for the HR manager to transform their HRM strategies into tangible growth.

Although many organizations acknowledge the importance of involving HR managers in the development and of business strategies, not most are yet to implement such a strategy. Additionally, a newly recruited HR manager lacks the experience to fill such a strategic role.


New HR managers face numerous challenges and opportunities while entering the industry. Some of the key challenges and opportunities they face include talent management, managing employees from diverse cultural and social backgrounds, and dealing with the issue of strategic partnerships. New HR managers should learn the best way to turn these challenges into opportunities so that the organization retains its competitive edge in the market.

Reference List

Golan, P J 2005,’High Involvement Management and Human Resource Sustainability: The Challenges and Opportunities’, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 18-33.

Simons, R 2011, Human Resource Management: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

Simmons-Welburn, J & McNeil, B 2004, Human Resource Management in Today’s Academic Library: Meeting Challenges and Creating Opportunities,Libraries Unlimited, Westport, CT.

Sims, R R 2006, Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities, IAP, Charlotte, NC.

Srivastava, E & Agarwal, N 2012,’The Emerging Challenges in HRM’, International Journal of Science & Technology Research, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 1-3.

Tyagi, A & Tyagi, R 2012,’Social Media: Opportunities and Challenges for Human Resource Management’, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-14.

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"Human Resource Managers Challenges and Opportunities." StudyKraken, 19 Sept. 2021,

1. StudyKraken. "Human Resource Managers Challenges and Opportunities." September 19, 2021.


StudyKraken. "Human Resource Managers Challenges and Opportunities." September 19, 2021.


StudyKraken. 2021. "Human Resource Managers Challenges and Opportunities." September 19, 2021.


StudyKraken. (2021) 'Human Resource Managers Challenges and Opportunities'. 19 September.

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