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Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain

How can an understanding of the multiple dimensions of quality lead to improved product and service design?

Quality assurance is one of the key requirements for establishing unique brands. However, production managers need to understand key dimensions of quality in order to improve products and service designs. There are different definitions of the terms ‘quality’ and ‘dimension’. Thus, ‘dimensions of quality’ is perceived from different and usually varying standpoints. There are multiple dimensions of quality based on the context in which ‘quality’ is perceived.

In management, dimensions of quality involve various aspects such as durability, performance and dependability (Sirgy, and Samli 76). Understanding multiple dimensions of quality enhances quality management. In view of this, business leaders acknowledge that “quality management is pervades all the organizations business processes” (Foster 23). This includes strategic planning. Modern day business leaders understand that customer satisfaction supersedes volume sales.

Therefore, products and services have to be designed to meet customer expectations. To achieve this, the quality of these products and services has to be improved continuously; this involves minimizing flaws in products and service design. It leads to the improvement of the taste, appearance and performance of products of the services, and cannot be achieved without the knowledge of dimensions of quality.

Do you believe that business managers should be skeptical about the quality movement or should they try to involve their firms in quality initiatives? Explain

Most management experts hold controversial views of the term quality. As such, varying and, sometimes, conflicting definitions exist. The term quality has been combined with other terms such as control, assurance and management; each of these combinations is precipitated by a unique set of factors. This implies that the attainment of quality management is precipitated by “complex mix of factors” (Foster 34).

Such a complexity likely leads to skepticism and guarded willingness to invest in quality management. However, investing in quality management accrues numerous benefits for organizations. In regards to this, managers ought to do more than invest in quality management. All employees have to be involved in quality initiatives at every stage of the management process. Involving employees in quality initiatives automatically improves on the quality of goods and services. While quality improvement is the goal of many organizations , there are other benefits associated with it. For instance, production efficiency as well as efficient utilization of resources is achieved.

As a result of this, not only does the general productivity improve but also the products and services. By investing in quality management, firms are able to design products that capture the imagination of the target customers and therefore sustain businesses in a competitive market. Therefore, despite the complexities involved, it is beneficial for business managers to involve employees in quality initiatives.

Kia Motors quality strategy

Kia Motors is one the most respected car markers globally, owing to the quality of its products and services. The quality strategy at Kia Motors exceeds the production of better quality cars; it is a key pillar in the company’s global strategy of serving its customers satisfactorily. It can be argued that the quality strategy pervades all aspects of the production process since the primary concern for all employees at the company is customer satisfaction.

Thus the production process, as well as raw materials are tested and pretested until the desired quality is achieved. Doing this requires expertise, and as a result Kia Motors endeavors to hire adequately qualified personnel, who are able to execute quality control and assurance practices effectively. This is aimed at ensuring that Kia motor vehicles not only accrue most benefits to the global consumers but also meet customer expectations (Kuk 6). As such, it can be argued that the quality strategy at Kia Motors is not only a global marketing strategy but also based on the companies desire to satisfy the needs of its global customers.

Works Cited

Foster, Thomas. Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain. London: Pearson Education, 2012. Print.

Kuk, Jung-Pil. Annual Report 2009: KIA Motors Slovakia s. r. o. 2009. Web.

Sirgy, Joseph and Samli Coskun. New Dimensions in Marketing/Quality-Of-Life Research. Greenwood Publishing Group Greenwich, 1995. Print.

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"Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain." StudyKraken, 13 Oct. 2021,

1. StudyKraken. "Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain." October 13, 2021.


StudyKraken. "Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain." October 13, 2021.


StudyKraken. 2021. "Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain." October 13, 2021.


StudyKraken. (2021) 'Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain'. 13 October.

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