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Recent Essays Samples

Kant’s Discussion of the Third Antinomy

Introduction The third antinomy of Kant examines the relationship between two fundamental tenets of contemporary philosophical discussion. This antimony views causation as a strategy that…
Topic: Philosophy Words: 1402 Pages: 5

Social Media’s Negative Effect on Human Agency

Social media is one of the most significant inventions in human history. This innovation allows people to connect and interact with each other over the…
Topic: Media Words: 829 Pages: 3

Impact of Transportation on Economic Growth

Transport infrastructure has played a pivotal role in economic development over the last century. World Bank-backed road projects between 1974-1982 and 1983-1992 yielded economic rates…
Topic: Business Words: 1651 Pages: 6

The Importance of Considering Foreign Exchange

Any multinational firm must consider foreign exchange since it significantly influences how well the business performs. It is a factor that determines profitability since it…
Topic: Economics Words: 284 Pages: 1

“Do the Right Thing” by Spike Lee

Introduction Do the Right Thing captures a sense of history and community that is essential to identity but doesn’t provide a thorough portrait of Bedford-Stuyvesant.…
Topic: Art Words: 1236 Pages: 4

Nursing Shortage: Causes and Effects

Introduction Nurses are the most prominent professional group in the world and an essential workforce tasked with providing quality care to improve health outcomes for…
Topic: Medicine Words: 1478 Pages: 5

“Vertigo” by Alfred Hitchcock

The blog post I have decided to assess is about the movie Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock. It seems that the Author chose to concentrate on…
Topic: Art Words: 673 Pages: 2

President Johnson’s Role in the Vietnam War

When Lyndon B. Johnson had to assume the presidency after the assassination of President Kennedy, he was concerned about many issues, including national support and…
Topic: History Words: 633 Pages: 2

Alan Louis General Hospital Attracting Customers

The research by Rapcorn found that hospitals that are more well-known to area residents rank higher, an advantage due to their social capital and reputation.…
Topic: Medicine Words: 398 Pages: 1

The Reliability and Validity Concepts in Research

Reliability and validity are concepts used to assess the quality of research. They show how well a method, technique, or test measures something. Reliability is…
Topic: Sciences Words: 897 Pages: 3

Yiddish: The Widely Used Language

Introduction Yiddish is one of the most widely spoken languages in Europe, despite the fact that it is written in Hebrew alphabets. In tandem with…
Topic: Linguistics Words: 1582 Pages: 5

Ethnography, Grounded Theory, and Phenomenology

The field of science involves numerous approaches to sampling, hypothesis setting, and research methods. The establishment of the specific method allows the researchers adequately evaluate…
Topic: Sciences Words: 560 Pages: 2

Racism and Slavery’s Impact on African Americans

Introduction Slavery is evidenced to have existed for a long time among different communities from different artists of the world. The author states: “As John…
Topic: History Words: 1143 Pages: 4

The Scientific Method: Research Methods

Introduction Science has built its foundation on the achievements earned in the past. The scientific community has created guidelines and processes for research to ensure…
Topic: Sciences Words: 284 Pages: 1

British Problems in American Revolutionary War

British colonized the United States of America for an extended period before eventually attaining their independence after a revolutionary war famously known as the American…
Topic: History Words: 604 Pages: 2

War Crimes During World War II

Introduction A war crime is an unfair act of violence in which a military member disregards the rules of engagement and appropriate conduct. Notwithstanding all…
Topic: Warfare Words: 2781 Pages: 10

PAC Resources Inc.’s Human Resource Practices

Introduction This report focuses on PAC Resources Inc.’s case study and human resource (HR) practices. The information will identify difficulties in each of the five…
Topic: Business Words: 1082 Pages: 3

Culture’s Influence on Learning Style

Culture can highly shape the chosen learning style of a person. Analytic learning includes segmenting detailed knowledge into manageable pieces and examining each piece separately,…
Topic: Education Words: 677 Pages: 2

Jungian Archetypes in “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel

Introduction The Life of Pi is an adventurous and philosophical novel by Yann Martel, which represents how a person’s beliefs are developed. The protagonist, Piscine…
Topic: Literature Words: 1708 Pages: 6

R&B Music Impacted by Race and Ethnicity

Introduction Race, ethnicity, and culture define our society in every aspect and influence perception and behavior. They distinguish people based on physical appearance, beliefs, and…
Topic: Art Words: 3307 Pages: 12

Nissan Motor Company Building Operational Resiliency

The automotive industry has remained in high demand and retained its revenue despite the challenges caused by the recent economic issues. Nissan Motor Company, Ltd.…
Topic: Business Words: 287 Pages: 1

What Are Heroism and Qualities of a Hero?

Heroism is a central concept in numerous fables and stories. Nevertheless, there is a place for heroism in real life, with heroic acts gaining widespread…
Topic: Sociology Words: 326 Pages: 1

Social Network Theory and Migration Study

There is a well-established field of study in the empirical literature on the function of social networks in the formation and continuance of migratory movements…
Topic: Sociology Words: 574 Pages: 2

Caterpillar Inc.: Strategic Management

Caterpillar Inc.’s Measures to Verify Its Strategic Effectiveness Caterpillar is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of specialized equipment for the mining, construction, and transportation…
Topic: Business Words: 673 Pages: 2

Museum Management Changes and Challenges

From an ethical standpoint, the Metropolitan Museum of Art policy in New York does raise questions. It would be fairer to indicate on the signs…
Topic: Art Words: 329 Pages: 1

Analysis of the Work of Harriet Jacobs

Introduction The study of literary works of various times can provide valuable insight into the social structure and opinions. Hence, this work aims to study…
Topic: Literature Words: 2011 Pages: 7

Terror and Spiritualism in the Lord’s Resistance Army

Introduction Contemporary military conflicts are rarely between nation-states – instead, they largely happen within the states’ borders and involve non-state actors. Insurgent groups built around…
Topic: Warfare Words: 1412 Pages: 5

Discussion of the Biological Life of Plants

Introduction Since ancient times, when humankind was a small group of people, nature has been a means to existence. Despite this, many years later, society…
Topic: Sciences Words: 652 Pages: 2

Consumer Behavior Theory and Practical Implications

Introduction Understanding customer is a concept that revolves around the proper examination of why individuals buy a particular product and their manner of decision making.…
Topic: Economics Words: 1236 Pages: 4

Scientific Research and Animals Ethic

Introduction “Should animals be used for research?” – perhaps this is one of the most controversial issues of modern science. Proponents of trials point to…
Topic: Sociology Words: 407 Pages: 1

The Effects of Terrorism in the United Kingdom

Introduction Terrorism can be described as any act of violence, a threat to cause violence or any kind of a harmful activity that is based…
Topic: Warfare Words: 9775 Pages: 12

The Evolution of Mass Murder by Nazis

German troops initiated Operation Barbarossa on June 22nd, 1941, an unexpected attack on the Soviet Union. The Nazis did not consider Operation Barbarossa a typical…
Topic: Warfare Words: 582 Pages: 2

The Date Rape Research Methodology

Although date rape has been addressed by researchers in the past decades, it remains a serious problem in different countries. Both qualitative and quantitative methods…
Topic: Sciences Words: 565 Pages: 2

The Health-Related Quality of Life Concept

The health concept selected for this essay is the Health-Related Quality of Life. This approach relates to the perceived physical and mental health of a…
Topic: Medicine Words: 627 Pages: 2

Do We Truly Need Art in Our Lives?

Introduction It should come as no surprise that art is under siege in this modern-day age. Any child today who shows a desire to pursue…
Topic: Art Words: 841 Pages: 3

Political Revolution in the Film “La Chinoise”

The film La Chinoise created by the iconic filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard pivoted on a group of students supporting Maoism. The young students undertake political revolutions…
Topic: Art Words: 272 Pages: 1

The Musical Compositions “Gymnopedies” by Eric Satie

“Gymnopedies” by the French modernist composer Eric Satie are a quiet and individual rebellion against the ever-increasing grandiosity and pomposity of Romantic music. The sensations…
Topic: Art Words: 386 Pages: 1

Psychosocial Assessment of Entrepreneur

Introduction A psychosocial assessment describes the issues that need to be addressed by the social practitioner (Connell et al., 2018). The psychiatric ailment and its…
Topic: Business Words: 513 Pages: 2

Socio-Cultural Views and Second Language Acquisition

Brown, H. D., (2014). Principles of language learning and teaching (6th Ed). New York: Pearson. In his book, Brown (2014) explores the concept of socio-cultural…
Topic: Linguistics Words: 863 Pages: 3

Aspects of Captive Breeding

Captive breeding has proved valuable in preventing the extinction of endangered species. Granthon et al. (2021) report that the California Candor, a scavenger that feeds…
Topic: Sciences Words: 564 Pages: 2

Disaster Preparedness and Discovery

Introduction A disaster is any unexpected event whose timing is never expected and it comes with consequences which are massive destruction. The nature around us…
Topic: Environment Words: 958 Pages: 4

Healthy Sleep Habits: The Key Benefits

Sleep has a major impact on people’s health and overall well-being. Moreover, night is the only effective time period for the brain “to remove toxins…
Topic: Medicine Words: 424 Pages: 1

CORE and the 1942-1968 Civil Rights Movement

Despite the abolishment of slavery in the United States after the Civil War, the people of color continued to suffer from discrimination. Racism had devastating…
Topic: History Words: 407 Pages: 2

Material Culture and Technologies

Material culture encompasses the objects created by people. These objects can be made and used, and also shared between people. Everything that does not exist…
Topic: Culture Words: 285 Pages: 1

Destination Management in Tourism

Introduction Destination management has become increasingly important in the modern context. The process is vital given the burgeoning demand for tourist activities. Today, travelers have…
Topic: Tourism Words: 4185 Pages: 15

Issue of Economic Poverty

Introduction Economic poverty refers to the financial incapacity of various people to afford their various needs due to insufficient finances. Poverty-stricken people can either have…
Topic: Economics Words: 854 Pages: 3

Asian Nationalism, Patriotism, and Traditionalism

The conflicts between “modernizers” and “traditionalists” shaped the development of Asian societies in the 19th century. It is possible to generalize it as the conflict…
Topic: History Words: 554 Pages: 2

Personal Computers: Supply and Demand

Personal computers can be considered to have a largely inelastic demand due to their integration into most people’s personal and professional lives. Though pricing and…
Topic: Economics Words: 273 Pages: 1

Selling Exhibition Catalogue of Asian Culture

Selling exhibitions are the best way for the general public to find out more about the performance of talented artists, look at their works and…
Topic: Art Words: 1157 Pages: 4

Scent & Sound Therapy as a Way to Relax

Introduction Modern people have to live hectic lives and have little time to stop and think or hold on and relax. However, all need rest…
Topic: Life Words: 1435 Pages: 5

Language: Impact on Thought and Society

Language has long been appreciated as an essential component of culture and interpersonal communication. Each tongue has its unique and complex morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics,…
Topic: Linguistics Words: 699 Pages: 3

President Joe Biden’s Tax Structure

President Joe Biden’s American Families Plan would take significant steps proposing tax incentives with more excellent investment in three areas: family and child assistance, education,…
Topic: Economics Words: 925 Pages: 3

Black History and American’s World Perception

The black people’s experience and culture are vital in understanding the forming of American’s world perception. Many components of African culture have influenced the formation…
Topic: History Words: 279 Pages: 1

Cultural Factors and Religion in Health

Culture refers to a general pattern of behaviors, customs, and ideas shared by a specific group in society. The extent of influence of these cultural…
Topic: Religion Words: 282 Pages: 1

Qualitative Sources of Information for Research

One of the most important criteria for assessing the quality of scientific research results is the reliability of the information contained in it. Information that…
Topic: Sciences Words: 749 Pages: 3

American Popular Music With Hispanic Influences

In the music industry, artists use different songs to pass the intended message to the people and the government concerning the overall state of the…
Topic: Art Words: 564 Pages: 2

The Andrea Yates Filicide Case and Its Facts

In the murders of three of her five children, Noah, John, and Mary, Andrea Yates was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to life in…
Topic: Law Words: 1479 Pages: 5

How Our Culture Influences Our Theology

With the advent of globalization, people from different cultures and backgrounds interact more than ever. It can be a good thing when sharing and teaching…
Topic: Religion Words: 864 Pages: 3

Unemployment and Unemployment Rate

Considering the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), unemployment is defined as individuals over a certain age (commonly 16) who are neither employed nor…
Topic: Economics Words: 230 Pages: 1

Improving Human Health at the Forefront of Genomics

Understanding the nature of human diseases and the possibilities of the most effective treatment strategies remains to be one of the priorities in today’s medicine,…
Topic: Sciences Words: 636 Pages: 2