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Project in Dubai: Qualitative Method of Research


In the contemporary world, many researchers are using qualitative research methods to conduct their studies in academic and non-academic areas (Patton 2005). This approach is different from quantitative research, which focuses on the collection and analysis of data in the form of numbers. It is important to note that qualitative researchers aim at gathering a deeper understanding of phenomena, using detailed explanations (Patton 2005). This paper focuses on discussing the approach that would be adopted in studying financial risk management in a government project in Dubai. In addition, reasons for choosing the method are given.

Qualitative approach and instruments

The framework of the qualitative approach in research requires the collection of accurate data, which are later analyzed to help persons to infer about variables (Patton 2005). Tools used in the method should be chosen keenly to ensure that they aid to provide valid results (Silverman 2013). In addition, it is crucial to note that different instruments could be appropriate for various studies based on study designs and objectives. The following are examples of instruments utilized in the strategy: questionnaires, interviews, observations, and case studies. The proposed government project would make use of interviews and a case study in the aviation industry.

Interviews involve gaining data from study participants to explore new matters in depth (Glesne & Peshkin 1992). Research shows that interviews are mainly adopted to offer context to outcome information. In other words, they offer a better picture of various phenomena being studied (Glesne & Peshkin 1992). The instrument would be exemplified by the following steps:

  1. Planning
  2. Developing the tool (interviews)
  3. Training data collectors
  4. Collecting data
  5. Analysing data
  6. Disseminating findings

About the proposed study, it would be critical to underscore that data would be obtained from customers and management teams in the aviation industry in Dubai.

A case study in the sector would also be used as an instrument, which would concentrate on identifying and analyzing various factors that would impact outcomes (Creswell 2013; Glesne & Peshkin 1992). For example, a case study would be selected based on the period that would provide sufficient facts about observations.

Reasons for choosing the method

The research method is selected due to its strengths and suitability to be applied in the study. First, the approach would be manipulated to accommodate local situations and conditions, which would have a great impact on the study findings. In other words, there is a relatively high probability of describing data that would be embedded in local contexts (Creswell 2013). This would increase the chances of attaining a high level of accuracy and avoiding bias. Second, the strategy offers a better understanding and explanations of persons’ experiences, which are critical in perceiving facts (Patton 2005).

This would be particularly essential in the aviation industry in Dubai that serves travelers from different parts of the world. Third, the method would allow researchers to change the study design due to changes that might occur in the process of conducting the research. This implies that it is typified by flexibility, which aids researchers to collect data, analyzing data, and making crucial conclusions. Fourth, it is essential to state that the approach is selected because it would assess idiographic causation feasible (Silverman 2013; Patton 2005). In other words, it would be essential in determining the causes of events in the aviation sector.


Research methods are used by researchers to enable them to conduct excellent studies, which culminate inaccurate information and conclusions. The proposed study would use interviews and a case study. The qualitative research method is chosen due to its many merits explained in this paper.


Creswell, JW, 2013, Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Glesne, C, & Peshkin, A, 1992, Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction, Longman, White Plains, NY.

Patton, MQ, 2005, Qualitative research, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.

Silverman, D, 2013, Doing qualitative research: A practical handbook, SAGE Publications Limited, Thousand Oaks, CA.

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StudyKraken. (2022, August 22). Project in Dubai: Qualitative Method of Research.

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"Project in Dubai: Qualitative Method of Research." StudyKraken, 22 Aug. 2022,

1. StudyKraken. "Project in Dubai: Qualitative Method of Research." August 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. "Project in Dubai: Qualitative Method of Research." August 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. 2022. "Project in Dubai: Qualitative Method of Research." August 22, 2022.


StudyKraken. (2022) 'Project in Dubai: Qualitative Method of Research'. 22 August.

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