Essay Rephraser: Free Paraphrasing Tool

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Even after opening this page, you might have doubts whether you truly require the help of our online rephraser. However, a student always has plenty of reasons for using this tool.

  • Trying to make your persuasive essay more convincing?
  • Can’t perfectly describe a place, person, or event?
  • Tired of rephrasing fragments from different sources for your argumentative essay or research paper?
  • Don’t have the time to keep rewriting essay paragraphs to improve their quality?

We have the solution! Our essay rephraser can accomplish all of this for you and more. Simply copy and paste a particular fragment or full text into the window above. Choose how much you want it changed and then press the button. Enjoy the results!

Our team came up with advice for writing separate essay paragraphs in the article below. With its help, you can improve the structure of your academic papers. Besides, to make your text even better, you can always use our essay rephraser for free.

✅ Essay Rephraser: the Benefits

🤑 Free This essay rephraser is free to use, no hidden payments.
🔢 Simple Just paste the text into this best paraphrasing tool.
🌐 Online Internet is all you need to paraphrase a thesis or paper.
🎮 Adjustable You can choose the share of words to rephrase in an essay.

📝 Essay Paragraph Writing Tips

Our free software can successfully rephrase essays, but it cannot write them for you. Yet, our tips can help with that.

Every paragraph of your work can be regarded as a separate unit, with its own objective and structure. For this reason, we have outlined how to organize and write every part of a standard academic essay.

How to Write an Introductory Paragraph

  • Begin with a hook. When someone looks at your paper, usually the question that enters their mind is, “Why would I read this text?” You have to ensure that their attention is caught from the very first lines of your introduction. From a humorous fact to an informative statistic, your hook can be anything as long as it interests your reader.
  • Introduce your topic. As we know, any piece of academic writing starts with an introduction. Here, the author familiarizes their audience with the paper’s focus and the key points. Depending on the subject of your research, this may include providing the historical context, a summary of previous findings, etc. In any case, you should thoroughly prepare your readers for the upcoming content.
  • Present your thesis statement. To wrap up your introduction, you need to state the position and message you’re trying to deliver. Come up with a thesis statement and make sure it’s clear and concise. The phrasing will highly depend on the purpose of your paper. However, remember that it must refer to your topic and your particular point about it.

How to Write a Body Paragraph

  • Start with a topic sentence. Each body paragraph should explore one distinct idea. To establish it, we use topic sentences. They inform the readers of your point and what to expect in the upcoming section. The rest of your body paragraph should support your topic sentence with proof.
  • Add supporting evidence. Once you have written your topic sentence, follow it with a discussion. The middle part of your body paragraph is intended to explore your arguments and provide evidence in support. Develop your points using the resources you have found during your research. Our online rephraser will help you change the language for the in-direct quotes. For the direct ones, simply use quotation marks.
    An essay paragraph should exlore one idea.
  • Make a transition to the next paragraph. At the end of a body paragraph, find a way to wrap up your idea and move on to the next one. You can do this using a conclusive sentence and transitions. Your goal here is to establish the connection between your arguments. Thus, add linking words at the start of each following paragraph, like “moreover,” “also,” “furthermore,” etc.

How to Write a Concluding Paragraph

  • Restate your thesis. Bring your work back full circle by mentioning your thesis statement once again. However, you shouldn’t just copy and paste it into your conclusion. Instead, rephrase the sentence with our tool. Try to reflect on how you developed your thesis since the start of your paper.
  • Summarize your key points. Include a brief summary of the main arguments you’ve discussed in the body. This way, you will show your readers the results of your research. You can accomplish this task within seconds by using our helpful summary tool. Mention how you have developed the ideas and emphasize the connection between them.
    No new ideas in the conclusion.
  • Draw conclusions. To finish up, think of your overall topic. Did you address everything you wanted to? Is there any final conclusion you need to state? You can end your work with a call to action, such as suggestions for future studies or a policy recommendation. It will help to leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Thank you for reading our article! If you aren’t fully satisfied with the results of our essay rephraser machine, you can try our other software. Our paraphrasing tool can be just what you were looking for!


🖇️ References:

  1. Introductions & Conclusions – UAGC Writing Center, the University of Arizona, Global Campus
  2. How to Write a Perfect Paragraph – MasterClass
  3. Transitions Between Paragraphs – The Writing Lab, Bellevue College

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