Sample Literature Review Papers: How to Use Effectively

Sample Literature Review PaperEven if in your academic practice you did not have to make a literature review yet, you should have heard a lot about this kind of assignments. And, most probably, you have not heard a lot of positive things about it.

Well, some of these rumors about literature reviews are true. If you deal with this task for the first time, you may face a lot of challenges. This is exactly why the first thing one should do is get several sample literature review papers.

Let us explain you how to use sample literature review papers effectively so that you write everything properly in your own review.

Sample literature review papers: simply read it first

After you find a sample literature review paper devoted to a topic similar to yours, first just read it carefully from the very beginning till the end. At this first stage, you need to figure out what a literature review is all about, what it is and is not.

Sample literature review papers: read it again

During the second reading session, you need to define all vague and unclear aspects about literature reviews. Make a list of all these aspects and do not hesitate to ask a teacher for explanations.

Sample literature review papers: pay attention to structuring

A literature review is not an essay or a research paper; it is a bit different type of work. You need to know how it should be organized correctly.

Therefore, pay special attention to structures of sample literature review papers. By the way, the body of a literature review can be arranged in several different ways. Try to find sample literature review papers that demonstrate various structures.

We also recommend you read about a literature review outline or check details about writing a technology literature review.
