American Antiquity Citation Style Guidelines

Antique books.

American Antiquity is a quarterly journal, publishing papers on archeology. It deals with archaeological theory and practice.

The journal is one of ”family members” in the big “clan”- Society for American Archeology journals.

The rules of referencing, worked out by the Society, integrate in American Antiquity Citation Style.

If you have chosen this very paper’s formatting style for writing your paper (of course, going by your professor’s advice) you’d better follow the following principles:

  • print the paper on one side only
  • double space all sections of the paper
  • use 12-point font
  • leave a right-hand margin
  • each section of the paper should be on a separate page
  • write complete first names and middle initials for authors and editors
  • list chronologically two or more works by the same author

Note that referencing in American Antiquity Citation Style doesn’t allow you to hyphenate words at the ends of lines.

Need more on American Antiquity Style? Go to Thompson River University

Editorial Policy, Information For Authors And Style Guide of Society For American Archeology is available here.

The manual throws light upon sections of the manuscript, textual elements, in-text reference citations, references cited and a lot of other information, including citation samples and citation style examples.
